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Tallapoosa Informational Notes From August Council Meetings

Aug 25, 2022 | Action Summary of City Council Meetings

Action Summary of City Council Meetings

The following is a summary of key action items taken by the Mayor and Council at the City Council meeting held during the month of August. The meeting was held at City Hall at 25 East Alabama Street, Tallapoosa.

Special Called Meeting – August 3, 2022

  • Adopted a “revised” alcohol resolution.

City Council “Regular” Meeting – August 8, 2022

  • Minutes and financial approved.
  • Adopted a resolution to change street name from Pennsylvania Avenue to Almond Avenue.
  • Approved entering in contract with Rushton & Company to conduct 2022 audit.
  • Approved contract with Georgia Department of Natural Resources to perform required testing on drinking water.

Emergency Meeting – August 11, 2022

  • Adopted additions to the recent resolution on the alcohol referendum to include a fourth question referencing Sunday sales of distilled spirits by drink and by the package.

The next scheduled meeting for Mayor and Council is Monday, September 12 at 6:00 pm at City Hall at 25 E. Alabama Street.

Notice to the Public of Special Election

Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with O.C.G.A. §21-2-540, the City of Tallapoosa has determined that it will conduct a special election in conjunction with the Haralson County General Election for the purpose of submitting to the voters the following four questions:

  1. “Shall the governing authority of the City of Tallapoosa be authorized to issue licenses to sell distilled spirits for beverage purposes by the drink, such sales to be for consumption only on the premises?” ()yes ()no
  2. “Shall the issuance of licenses for the package sale of distilled spirits be approved?” ( ) yes ( ) no
  3. “Shall the governing authority of the City of Tallapoosa be authorized to permit and regulate package sales by retailers of both malt beverages and wine on Sundays between the hours of 12:30 pm and 11:30pm?” ()yes ()no
  4. “Shall the governing authority of the City of Tallapoosa be authorized to permit and regulate Sunday sales of distilled spirits by the package between the hours of 12:30 pm and 11:30 pm and distilled spirits for beverage purposes by the drink and both malt beverages and wine for beverage purposes by the drink?” ()yes ()no

The last day to register to vote for this election or to request a change of electors address is Tuesday, October 11, 2022.

Voting on Election Day will be conducted at the Tallapoosa Senior Center located at 160 Windom Street. Polls will be open from 7 AM to 7PM.

Advanced in person (early) voting will begin on Monday, October 17, 2022 and continue through Friday, November 4, 2022 beginning at 8:30 AM and ending at 5:00 PM on weekdays and also on Saturday, October 22nd and Saturday, October 29th from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Early voting will be conducted each of these days at the Haralson County Courthouse in Buchanan, Georgia.

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