- Minutes and financials were approved.
- Georgia Department of Community Affairs awarded the City of Tallapoosa Qualified Government status for completing and adopting our local comprehensive plan.
- Guest Steve Bell made his recommendations for the City of Tallapoosa to consider putting alcohol on the ballot for voters at the November election. His recommendations were:
- Distilled spirits (liquor), sold by the drink to be served in restaurants and eating establishments inside the city limits of Tallapoosa, GA.
- Beer, wine, and distilled spirits (liquor) approval to be sold on Sundays after 12:30 pm in all stores and eating establishments that have a license to sell these products.
- License to open a micro-brewery or winery to manufacture and distribute beer or wine that is made on the premises.
- Open and operate with a license for retail package sales of distilled liquor. (i.e., a liquor store) inside the city limits of Tallapoosa.
- City Council to vote to change the ordinance for a business that has alcohol to a church from property line to property line to the front door to the front door.
- Council made a motion and was approved to put items 1,2 and 4 on the November ballot pending recommendations from the city attorney.
- A motion was approved to have a work session to discuss current ordinances with advice from the city attorney on how to proceed with items 3 and 5 was approved.
- A motion was approved to reappoint two (2) members to the Housing Authority Board: Billy Earl Pike and Patricia Smith.
- Motion to approve joining the Haralson County Chamber of Commerce. Membership is $525.00 per year.
- A motion was approved on the purchase of a new scoreboard at a cost of $7,400.
- City Manager Philip Eidson gave the city manager’s report.
– TE project at standstill.
– TSPLOST- early voting has ended. The election date is March 15th.
– Keep Haralson Beautiful will have two events soon: Free Landfill Day (May 7th) and Tire Recycling on April 23rd. The city is having a citywide cleanup piggybacking off the free landfill day on the 7th.
– Downtown Business Directory Signage is going forward; 20 have confirmed so far.
– Updates on various issues including drainage issues on Arbacoochee Road; ordinance on city property maintenance; and seminar for staff on sensitivity and harassment.
- A motion was approved on a bid for clearing area in the cemetery.
- A motion was made and approved to increase golf membership dues at Tally Mountain Golf Course. The new rates are golf memberships inside city limits $65; outside city limits $75. Unlimited memberships: 61 and over are $200 and under 61 are $220.