- Minutes and financials were approved and motions to approve updated resolution on the Joint Comprehensive Plan and Resolution for TSPLOST Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA).
- The city’s insurance requires that backs be placed on the backs of bleachers at the ballpark. City councilmembers approved motion to purchase.
- Motion was approved for the purchase of new gas equipment that will monitor and communicate directly to staff and provide a greater safety feature in that staff will be aware of problems like pressure and gas flow sooner.
- City planner Patrick Clarey updated the council on the directional signs for downtown. Eight signs are planned for downtown; two on Head Avenue. The goal for new signage is to increase activity downtown. Signs will be installed this month.
- Clarey stated the TeProject was making progress despite finding an underground tunnel under the sidewalk at the building on the corner of Alewine and US Highway 78. A structural engineer is working on solutions to repair. Project is expected to be completed in 60 days.