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Tallapoosa Informational Notes from December 13th Council Meeting

Dec 22, 2021 | Action Summary of City Council Meetings

Mayor Pro Tem Bobby Parker called the meeting to order on Monday evening, December 13th. Prayer was led by Mayor Pro Tem Bobby Parker.

Mayor Pro Tem Parker welcomed everyone to the meeting and took a moment to discuss some reminders for the city residents and to thank them for their continued cooperation with city efforts.

  • Residents were reminded to roll their garbage cans out for pick up the night before their pickup day each week and then asked to remember to roll their carts back to their proper storage location after pickup. The city has appointed a Tallapoosa Police officer to function as city marshal to address this and other types of violations.
  • Residents were also reminded to call city hall to be put on the brush and limb pickup list. When possible, residents were reminded to cut limbs in no longer than four feet and to separate the limbs from the brush. Pickup date is Thursday. If residents are not on the list, contractors will not know to pick up at their location.
  • Mayor Pro Tem Parker stated that the SPLOST VI, T-SPLOST and Golf reports are available for anyone wishing to view or receive a copy.
  • Mayor Pro Tem thanked all the “street captains” for keeping the streets of Tallapoosa free of litter. He also thanked all the residents who displayed an American flag and a green porch light to support our veterans. In addition, he also thanked residents who displayed a blue porch light supporting law enforcement and first responders.

The Council passed a motion to approve the purchase of nine LED decorative lights on Alewine Street.

The Council passed a motion to approve the comprehensive plan. Comprehensive plans are required by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and must include plans for growth management in various areas with a clear vision for the community and economic development is encouraged and supported. All municipalities for Haralson County are included with this plan. Many components are carried over from previous plans. However, elements like adding broadband for 100% of Tallapoosa are new. Once completed, the plan must be submitted to DCA for review and final approval in February. The plan can be amended at any time. Many projects are listed for the city to have access to financial resources to aid in implementation.

The Council passed a motion to approve the November 2021 financial statement as given by City Manager Philip Edison.

City Manager Philip Eidson gave the City Manager’s Report. The sewer project on Highway 100 had difficulty obtaining equipment and materials. As a result, the timeframe for the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) Loan Modification needs adjusting for completion. The Council adopted a resolution to amend the timeframe.

Mr. Edison recommended to the Council to approve a request by an owner on Bethany Road to supply this residence with natural gas. The resident has agreed to pay the lion’s share of the costs. He added other residents might add a gas line along that route as a result. The Council approved the motion to supply this gas line on Bethany Road.

The Council approved the motion to enter in with an agreement with Signworks Pro to provide new street directional signs downtown. The City of Tallapoosa and the Tallapoosa Downtown Development Authority will share the costs of the new signs.

City Planner Patrick Clarey gave the planning report and stated no foreclosures for this month. He also gave an update on the TE Grant. He stated it was making good progress, but adjustments were made to the original layout. Public Works Director Boyd Coggins gave the council further detail. Because of the age of the cities’ system, several water, gas and sewer lines were given adjustments and modifications. He stated that even though there were issues, everything was still on schedule. Mr. Coggins said the city worked with the DOT to address an issue with tractor trailers’ inability to turn on Alabama Street and that the problem has been addressed and resolved for now. At this point, Councilmember Mark Smith expressed concern with tractors trailers traveling in the city limits. Mr. Edison said that progress on improving the situation could be made once the TE Grant was completed. At that time, state representation could be called upon to assist.

Mr. Clarey then gave an update on the Possum Drop. Pioneer Ford has agreed to sign on again this year as a major sponsor and the Haralson County Chamber of Commerce will be a more significant sponsor. Approximately sixty businesses in the area were contacted and ½ have signed on as sponsors. According to a hired contractor for the event, we could expect a potential crowd of 20,000 this year. Councilmembers expressed concern with the current construction of roads near Alewine. Mr. Edison stated that construction would end one week before the event and should be a nonissue during the time of the event.

The city has plans to pave Broad Street in 2022 with TSPLOST funds.

Mr. Edison also gave an update on the gym. Goals have been ordered, and currently waiting on the contractor for installation. New varnish will be put on gym floors on Saturday, with plans to redo the floors entirely next year. Mr. Edison stated that there are tentative plans to redo the bathrooms over the summer after basketball.

Boundaries have changed because of the new census results recently released. Senator Mike Dugan of Carrollton replaces Senator Jason Anavitarte for our area. Representative Tyler Paul Smith did not change and remained the representative for this area.

Mr. Edison met with Jerry Bell, Superintendent of Haralson County Schools, concerning the property behind the gym. Property will be left as mutual use for all parties. The city will have the attorney draw up the agreement.

Quotes are currently being gathered on the following projects: gas line to interstate; police station; sewer project on highway 100; sidewalk; and work at gym and scoreboard.

The city is continuously working on gas. Work is also being made on securing handicapped parking spaces on Alabama Street and Head Avenue.

There is an audit from the Tallapoosa Housing Authority available for review.

An increase in costs will be an issue in the next year. The city has received notice of increases in both garbage collection (6.2%) and Comcast for next year and more is expected with gas. Councilmember Dan Pope expressed concern about the gas prices. Mr. Edison said there wasn’t much we could do but common-sense approaches: keep doors and windows closed; lower thermostats; dress warmer and maintain equipment and hope for temperate climate this winter.

Meeting adjourned.

A BIG Thanks to the Sponsors of the Possum Drop!

Greater Haralson Chamber of Commerce
River City Propane
Pioneer Ford
Lions Club International

Advanced Chiropractic
Bollen’s Antiques & Hearth LLC
Newborn Truck Stop
Price Creek Animal Hospital
Carroll EMC
Harry T’s Car Wash & Lube

Five Star Manufactured Homes
Blossman Gas & Applicance
Damn Yankees
EBC of Georgia
Epling’s Mower Shop
HighSpeed Country Internet
Jack’s Restaurant
Kendall Electric
Mae’s Crossroads Restaurant
Many Parts of Georgia
Miller Funeral Home
Moore’s Furniture
Papou’s Pizza, Wings & Calzones
Quality Retread
Santa Fe Mexican Restaurant
Sherry’s Bookkeeping
Tallapoosa Drugs
Tom’s Cleaners

Sponsorship list as of 12/15/2021

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