

Oct 19, 2020 | Announcements

In response to the current conditions resulting from the Coronavirus, the City of Tallapoosa has declared a State of Emergency. The City will be following the State guidelines — All citizens should follow those guidelines as well: Including restrictions of 10 or more people; Social distancing, staying home; avoiding crowds and refraining from touching one another. Please be mindful when purchasing items not depriving others in need.

For daily local updates you can visit the following link.

The City of Tallapoosa has closed its Lobby to the Public. City Hall is still Open and Doing Business, but simply for the public’s safety and the safety of our employees the city is trying to limit personal contact.

You can drop your payments for Utility Bills, Tax, Business License in the outside drop box, or use our on-line payment service at, or call the dedicated phone number of 1-855-608-2479.

You can reach us at City Hall at our normal phone number of 770-574-2345 during normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Our Senior Center, Library, Museum, Recreation Department, and Police Department are also closed temporarily to the Public as the City joins with other agencies in trying to limit large gathering of individuals where the danger of spreading a contagion might occur.

We apologize for any inconvenience you may experience during this time. We consider the safety of our Citizens and Employees our highest priority and will continue to keep you informed of any changes to our schedule as they occur.

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